Use the Left Hand Navigation to further narrow down your search.
The Gordon Brush® website allows the user to find the exact brush for their project in several ways: (1) the Search Box located at the top center of every page; (2) the dropdown labeled Stock Brushes, located towards the top on the left; (3) Brushes by Fill Material, Brushes by Handle Material, and Brushes located in center of the page, just below the stock brushes; (4) the "Hollywood Squares", the area in the center of the page showing pictures of brushes along with their category names; and (5) the Wizard, or product selector, that can be accessed by clicking the box below the Hollywood Squares on the left.
The Gordon Brush Wizard uses hierarchical reduction to allow the user to identify the brush or brushes for their project by selecting the specific parameters of their brush, quickly and easily. The Wizard provides the user three options in which to start their search: (1) select by Category; (2) select by Materials; and (3) select by Dimensions.
No matter where you start, you can find your exact brush, usually within three input criteria selections. You can select solely within one parameter or mix and match. Either way, the brush for your project will be identified. The product select wizard makes it super easy to find products when you have a lot of products to choose from. Now you can shop our industrial stock brush inventory in a simplified way. Try it yourself now!
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